Genre-spanning group from Norway, active since 1993. On their demos and first album, "Bergtatt", they played black/folk metal, 1996's "Kveldssanger" is an entirely acoustic folk album and 1997's "Nattens Madrigal" is raw, aggressive black metal. Around 1998 they began producing experimental, electronic and avantgarde music.
Since 2000 the core of the band consists of Kristoffer Rygg, Tore Ylwizaker and Jørn H. Sværen. The three however collaborate with various musicians on their albums depending on the needs of the musical project at hand.
Ulver means "Wolves" in Norwegian.Less
Since 2000 the core of the band consists of Kristoffer Rygg, Tore Ylwizaker and Jørn H. Sværen. The three however collaborate with various musicians on their albums depending on the needs of the musical project at hand.
Ulver means "Wolves" in Norwegian.Less
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Reviews Show All 5 Reviews
February 19, 2016
Greatest and most unique band or collective ever. Greatest live sound i've ever heard and probally one of the most diverse bunch to any of my knowledge
November 23, 2013
Ulver write music as if writing in stone. Perfectionist bastards, we love you!
December 3, 2004
edited over 15 years ago
ULVER is an absolutely outstanding act in terms of musical variety and class. most items listed in discogs can be filed under electronica or ambient, but ULVER started as one of the finest black metal acts ever and released glorious gems such as "nattens madrigal" or the symphonic frightening dark neofolk jewel "kveldsvangar" - i know only very few acts which one can call truly incalculable cause they dont count in musical limitations or traditions, some names could be LAIBACH or BURZUM (dont take this as a simple analogy to these acts!!! its just the multitudinousness i speak about ....)
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