Real Name:
Steven Patrick Morrissey
British vocalist, born May 22, 1959, in Manchester, United Kingdom. Former lead singer ofThe Smiths. Morrissey started his career as a lead singer for punk bands. He formed Sulky Young (renamed The Tee Shirts) and later joined The Nosebleeds (formed in the early 1970s under the name Wild Ram) with Billy Duffy (The Cult), replacing Ed Bangerand Vini Reilly. However, in his autobiography Morrissey denied ever being a member of The Nosebleeds. He claims that Duffy recruited him after the break up of The Nosebleeds and they wrote songs together. For their live performances they hadn't decided on a band name. They roped in the rhythm section of The Nosebleeds and Paul Morley used this name for a live review.More
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Reviews Show All 10 Reviews
April 17, 2018
Incredibly talented and intelligent and creative.i read alot of reviews about how he is a bit of a knob these question is-was he ever NOT a knob?
October 7, 2017
I'm sure everybody has artists who everyone else seems to love but they just really don't 'get'. Morissey is that artist for me. His vocals are so bloody annoying they make me cringe! I find his music samey and whiney too, however I'll not deny he has a knack for lyrics. I guess taste is a funny thing.
November 7, 2016
i listen and prefer morrissey's solo music than the smiths. I have never heard music so freeking good. I never get bored with Morrissey and never get sick of it.
January 27, 2016
Morrissey, Morrissey.....Morrissey...what can I say this man is our Frank Sinatra or our Elvis Presley of our time. Love you Morrissey! Who put the M in Mexican
May 22, 2014
When it comes to artists and I don't mean groups "Morrissey" is right up there at the top with the greats. My top 5 picks would be Morrissey, David Bowie, David Sylvian, Patti Smith and Peter Murphy (Yes, Elvis is great too). Morrissey is a great performer but it is his writing, voice, soul and conviction that truly elevates him. He is very charming and should not be judged but admired for his talent. Very few artists today even have natural or real talent, it is as if they are made in a factory in Jersey.
Morrissey however is more original and more relevant now today and always. I have been a fan since the early 80's and I always return to his music every so often to remind myself of the importance of being aware.
Morrissey however is more original and more relevant now today and always. I have been a fan since the early 80's and I always return to his music every so often to remind myself of the importance of being aware.
September 1, 2012
MOrrissey is Classic! He is hands down one of the most influential musicians ever.
Although some may not agree, Years of Refusal is one of his strongest works and shows the true maturity of an ever evolving and growing artist. This is rare in pop music, for an artist to get better as they age not to simply fade away as their career progresses.
Although some may not agree, Years of Refusal is one of his strongest works and shows the true maturity of an ever evolving and growing artist. This is rare in pop music, for an artist to get better as they age not to simply fade away as their career progresses.
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